It was a lot to cram into one video and Shakira needed a male counterpart to pull it off. Luckily she found a more than able body.
Bboy Cloud Daniel Cloud Campos X Big Bang Make Love Youtube
A post shared by Shakira shakira on Oct 10 2019 at 917am PDT Did It Again come to think of it has the perfect title for a track.

Daniel cloud campos shakira. Daniel Cloud Campos was born in Adel Georgia and raised in San Diego California. Daniel Cloud Campos was born on May 06 1983 in Adel Georgia United States is Actor Director Writer. Daniel Cloud Campos vagy egyszerűen Cloud született Daniel Campos Adel Georgia 1983.
He is an actor and director known for Step Up 3D 2010 Todays the Day 2012 and Bac Thay Cua Nhung Uoc Mo 2017. Later the same year he competed at Red Bull BC One and appeared in Shakiras music video Did It Again as the principal male dancer. Daniel Cloud Campos was born on May 6 1983 in Adel Georgia USA.
See more ideas about daniel clouds dancer. Feb 4 2017 - Explore Gabby Gabzs board Daniel Campos Cloud on Pinterest. Internationally renowned dancer choreographer actor and director Daniel Cloud Campos is one of the industrys top artists.
I live in Oregon. He has been b-boying since 1994. Official music video for Lo hecho está hecho by Shakira.
With Daniel Cloud Campos Shakira. Breakes pályafutását még szinte gyerekként kezdte a Skill MethodzbanImprovizációi akrobatikus megoldásai és humora miatt kapott helyet Madonna amerikai énekesnő Re-Invention című turnéjában. Daniel Cloud Campos born May 6 1983 is an American dancer director choreographer and occasional actor raised in San Diego California and Orlando Florida Early.
Daniel Cloud Campos Actor. He grew up dancing with his two older brothers Deft-1 and Aron-1. His brother has danced under the alias Deft-1.
A master of the art of movement Daniels ability to transcend space and time with his effortless prowess has made his work both captivating and unique. The guy from Madonna tour shakira video etc. He has been married to Tamara Levinson since 2012.
He has been married to Tamara Levinson since 2012. Happy She Wolf album birthday to me. His real name is Daniel Campos.
The latest tweets from DanCloudCampos. I want to be a dancer just like him and get jobs like he does but how. Always looked upto you since so long You wont believe but after watching your Welcome Home and then Music box i actually had a thought that if i gotta hire a director to direct a film it has to be DANIEL CLOUD CAMPOS.
He married Tamara Levinson in 2012. Daniel Cloud Campos a dancer whos worked with Madonna. Cloud didnt always see eye-to-eye with his father about dancing.
Directed by Sophie Muller. Hung Up 2005 Emperors New Clothes 2015 Stay The Night 2013 This Is Gospel 2013 Say Amen Saturday Night 2018 Now 2013. From the film Welcome Home This is a story of a kid in search for a new apartment rental who comes across a place that has actually chosen him.
Stuart Sutcliffe Native American History British History Birth Of The Beatles Teddy Boys Recorder Music Real Facts The Fab Four Yellow Submarine. They were known as Three Brothers Grim. He is an actor and director known for Step Up 3D 2010 Todays the Day 2012 and The Greatest Showman 2017.
Clouds Dance Lumberjacks Model Beards. He appeared as the lead dancer in the music video for Shakiras Did It Again. A great read Cloud you are such a great inspiration for me you dont have a clue.
5385k Likes 6591 Comments - Shakira shakira on Instagram. Amerikai breaktáncos koreográfus filmszínész és -rendező. This was one of my favorite choreos of my career.
How did he start getting so successful. Bboy cloud con shakira ganao bboy cloud provechooo. How did daniel cloud campos start his dancing career.
Bboy cloud con shakira ganao bboy cloud provechooo. Daniel Cloud Campos Shakira - Did it again. Daniel Cloud Campos a genius dancer artist.
Daniel Cloud Campos was born on May 6 1983 in Adel Georgia USA.
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