Para predições podemos usar tanto will quanto going to mas com contextos diferentes. We use GOING TO to indicate intention example.
Will Or Going To Mais English Grammar English Grammar Worksheets English Classroom
People wont go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.

Will ou going to. 5- am going to meet 6- will get 7- is going to be 8- am going to look after 9- will wipe out 10- is going to make 11- well do 12- will be 13- is not going to buy 14- are going to go 15- will take 16- will snow 17- will be 18- is going to fall 19- will watch 20- will lose 21- will open 22- wont tell 23- is going to work. Sujet will verbe à linfinitif ex. Will going to.
Subject BE GOING to-infinitive. Put in will or be going to. I hope that the sun will shine tomorrow.
To make predictions about the future based on present evidence. - offering our help. Use will-future or going to-future.
Both refer to the future and there is a slight difference between the two though in most cases they can be used interchangeably with no difference in meaning. Either could be used here. Would you like to come.
Im going to watch TV in a minute because my favourite programme is on. BE GOING TO. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap.
Often it doesnt really matter if we choose be going to or the present continuous. We use will for instant decisions and predictions. I m going to go to the cinema tonight.
When printed this page will be formatted correctly for use as a handout. Will or be going to. Oh thank you that would be nice.
The future with will and the future with going to The main difference between the two forms is that going to is used for plans and intentions made before the moment of speaking and the will to speak about the future at the moment of speaking. I am going to buy a car and prediction Its going to snow. Sujet be conjugué au présent going to verbe à linfinitif ex.
On utilise will pour parler dun événement dont on pense quil peut se produire dans le futur sans que lon en ait vraiment la certitude Lots of accidents will happen in that weather. Will be going to - exercises. NO I get them this afternoon actually.
Will - be going to - future. Will vs be going to. I will be rich and famous.
There are two future forms used in most conversations. Choose the correct answer. Next page - going to exercises - will exercises.
I m going to the cinema tonight. - predictions without evidence. Will going to or - ing future.
Why do you need to borrow my suitcase. I _____ get some from the shop. The structure of GOING TO is.
Yes Im going to meet him at the airport tomorrow. We can use will might and going to to make predictions in English. I hope that the sun tomorrow.
We often do this when we talk about the weather for example. Use will-future or going to-future. Will be going to - future.
We use the present continuous tense for definite future arrangements. English Grammar Rules A very confusing concept is when to use WILL and when to use BE GOING TO when we refer the future. Is John coming home soon.
I think I to bed. We dont have any bread. Have you got the tickets yet.
LEARN TEACH MYEC STORE. Look at the sky. Futur avec be going to.
Its going to rain soon. I see a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court theater. Will or be going to.
Q1 - I feel dreadful. In the following example there is really very little difference in meaning. This means that they are followed by the infinitive of the verb without to.
Click here for the answer sheet. GOING TO infinitive. Ill help you with those heavy books.
Using going to For plans or decisions made before speaking. I _____ get some from the shop then. Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue.
English grammar and exercises. Im going to see him. We use WILL for.
I think I will go to bed. We dont have any bread. Future verb forms - quiz.
What are you doing this weekend Jan. Q2 - Tonight I ____ stay in- Ive rented a video. We use be going to for intentions and plans and predictions with present evidence.
Will Be Going to. Will and be going to. Se falamos de uma predição que não é nem certa nem definida é comum fazer uso do will sobretudo quando há a presença de verbos como think e hope ou de palavras que demonstrem incerteza tais como perhaps e probably.
I ____ be sick. Both will and might are modal auxiliary verbs.
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